Sunday, January 7, 2007

Sunday Thoughts

I saw The Prestige this afternoon. Very, very good. Lots of twists and turns, and it was a perfect time for me to see it as I'm becoming interested in magic (I performed two chaos magick sigils the other week). The only cons I felt was that some of the dialogue was hard to hear at some parts, but that might have been just my theatre, which had some hiccups at the start. There were also some confusing explanations, and I felt that the whole "duplicates caused by Tesla's electricity machine" didn't fit. But it was still great, and I think it would be even better upon repeated viewings. David Bowie as Nikola Tesla was also very good, and I love the whole Victorian era theme. I'd give it a 4.5/5, and it's the best movie I've seen all year (it's the only movie I've seen this year).

My family and I went out to the beach to eat fish and chips tonight. My dog went and did a huge crap (the biggest ever) and my mum was insistent on picking it up in a plastic bag. I told her to just put some sand on it. She didn't.

My dad had a cup filled with Coke, and went to drink it. It somehow went down his t-shirt, and I laughed. He started complaining that the cup was too big for his mouth. He said he had a small delicate mouth, and that the cup could fit two mouths. I asked him if he thought the cup was designed for two people to drink out of it at the same time, and he told me it was designed for a big mouth.

I found this conversation funny, and it reminded me of one of the Karl Pilkington conversations from The Ricky Gervais Show podcasts, which are all excellent and the funniest things I've ever heard. Karl Pilkington is my hero.

These were my thoughts on Sunday. Maybe I'll make this a regular thing.

Or not. I am lazy, after all.

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